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I Give Up - Shoot #1

Last night we had our very first I Give Up shoot. It was a small scene, but it still gave us the chance to see how we will work together and what we need to improve on for the shoots to come. The scene is the very first scene that Chester pictures Connor in his mind and they get to know each other and what they are all about. We started the shoot around 5:30 and expected to be done in a couple of hours, but instead we didn't finish the shoot until 11:30. This shows that we need to improve our time management on this production so that everything gets finished on time and easily.

Yes, the shoot may have taken 4 more hours than what we expected, but that was mainly because we were working out the kinks and making sure that we knew how to properly use all of the gear. We also made sure that everything was organized, where each scene was slated and labeled properly. Alessandro didn't inform me that this particular scene was a night scene, so I had to adjust a couple of things I had in mind when we were shooting this scene. Alessandro wanted the scene to be as dark as possible, and I tried to explain to him that you can do all of that in post so that way you have a clear image, but that isn't what he wanted, so I followed his direction and did the best I could. We will make it work, and I can't wait for the next shoot.

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Chronicle Review

I had just went to go and watch the film Chronicle this past Sunday. I went into the theaters knowing nothing about the film, but came out thinking that this film is one of my top 10 favorite films of all time. One thing about films that are shot handheld and I is that I absolutely hate handheld films. They are way too shaky and try to make everything seem realistic to the viewer, but all they are really doing in my personal opinion is limiting what the viewer can see and experience. This can cause the viewer to be dissatisfied with the film like I was with the Devil Inside when I went to go see that around two weeks ago. Chronicle gave me the complete opposite view of a handheld film though. It had an amazing story behind the film and the reason as to why it was being shot in "Real Time". Without the movie being shot the way it was, I feel like the viewer wouldn't get the same feelings and share the same emotions with some of the characters in the film that they would've if it was shot any other way.

     Chronicle is all about how 3 high school students discover a force of energy that had given them the ability to wield superpowers. Rather than using the superpowers for good, the younger, more immature high schoolers use their abilities to pull pranks on others for fun. Sooner or later, their powers grow stronger, and they begin to lose grasp of each other as friends as these superpowers take over their lives. This results in complete chaos between them, causing destruction throughout town and tragic events to occur. I personally think it is a great movie that you will have to go see to understand what I am talking about. It is well worth the trip to the theaters, so please check out Chronicle if you haven't because you will not be disappointed.

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I Give Up

     I Give Up is the next feature film that my team and I will be working on. It is a dark comedy about a guy named Chester, who had recently been dumped by his girlfriend, Beth, for a theater major named Brad. He feels like there is no purpose in living without Beth back in his life, so in order for him to win her back, he creates an imaginary friend named Connor who is the stereotype of a perfect man; the kind of guy women wish they were with and the kind that guys want to be. The film will go into production two weeks from now, and we are planning on finishing the entire film by April.

     My roll in this next film is portraying the roll of the Director of Photography (DoP), which is the key Head of the Department on the production, and they are one of the major creative roles. DoPs work closely with the Director and Production Designer to give a film its visual signature. I will be in charge of the camera operator, the audio technician, and the lighting technician to make sure that they are doing their jobs properly and that they are getting everything recorded properly. I am really excited to work on this next film because I can tell that it is really well organized and the story behind the film is really well done as well.

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