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I Give Up Shoot 3

Tonight was the biggest, most stressful shoot of all I Give Up shoots that we have had so far. The difference between the scenes that we have already shot and the ones that we had to cover today was the fact that it required a lot more people to do their jobs and get everything organized the way it should be compared to before. We had to deal with extras as well in this shoot whereas the previous shoots didn't need any extras.

The most stressful part of the entire day was that our actress who portrayed the part of Sophie in I Give Up was absolutely terrible, and didn't know any of her lines. This set us back an entire hour until we just decided to let her go and find another Sophie. Luckily, Alessandro brought along his friend, Cassandra, which played the roll beautifully. In the end, everything turned out pretty well, but the stress began to boil through all of the cast and crew today, which is something that we are trying to keep to a bare minimum.

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Music Video: We Found Love

I had just finally finished my first music video I've ever attempted to make. The video was for a guy named William Barry, who is a local singer/musician that wants to get his name out there for people to see his work. I told him that I would be willing to help him get out there my making several music videos for him, so that he can upload them to youtube and obtain an audience. I charged him little to nothing to create the videos; one being that he is not made of money right now, and two is because I just wanted a couple more videos to add to my reel.

The song that Will had covered was called We Found Love. The original song was written by Rihanna, but Will had taken that version and made it his own by creating the song from scratch again, using all pieces of equipment he had available to him. The video will be uploaded to youtube soon, so I will post a link on my blog at a later date when it comes out. 

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Shoot 2 for I Give Up

Well, this past weekend was one of the busiest yet for the production of I Give Up. Saturday was scheduled to specifically finish the rest of the apartment scenes that we didn't originally cover on our first shoot. Since there were a LOT of scenes taking place inside the apartment, this shoot was imagined to be a long one. It turned out that the shoot from beginning to end on Saturday was a total of 13 hours, which is an incredible amount of time to shoot all on one location. The footage turned out to look really well. Unlike our first shoot, we decided to just light the scenes as best we could, and we will alter the look that we are looking for in post. This will give us the best possible picture in the final product.

Sunday was another major day for I Give Up. Sunday was scheduled for three major scenes taking place in three different locations. The first location was at a place called Wine Down. This is a little cheese and wine restaurant that provides that elegant look that we were looking for our scene. The footage from this shoot turned out really well as well. As for the next scene, we shot at Hair on the Avenue, which is the hair salon that Zach currently works at. I loved the way a lot of the footage turned out in this place, and it was so well lit inside the salon that we didn't need a lighting kit for this location, which helped us out a lot for time. The last location was scheduled to be at the Wyomissing fitness and training gym, but the actress we orginally had scheduled had canceled the night before the shoot. What our whole team was trying to do from then on was to find another actress or any girl that looks the part to play the role of Sophie in the film. We were searching all day, but had to end up canceling at the gym because we had no luck in finding someone. In all, the shoot dates this weekend were a success and we will work out the kinks that got in our way in the near future.

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